
时间:2024-07-16 08:33:12 阅读:



1. 表达个人喜好或不喜好:
- I enjoy having intimate moments with my partner.(我喜欢与我的伴侣一起享受亲密时刻。)
- I'm not really into casual hookups.(我不太喜欢随意的一夜情。)
- It's important for me to have a deep emotional connection before engaging in a sexual relationship.(对我来


2. 描述性爱时的感受:
- The chemistry between us was electric.(我们之间的化学反应非常强烈。)
- Making love with someone you deeply care about is an incredibly intimate experience.(与你深爱的人做爱是一种非常亲密的体验。)
- It was an intense and passionate encounter that left me breathless.(那是一次激烈而充满激情的经历,让我无法呼吸。)

3. 讨论性爱相关话题:
- Have you ever tried any adventurous sexual activities?(你尝试过什么冒险的性活动吗?)
- How do you navigate the challenges of maintaining sexual desire in a long-term relationship?(在长期关系中如何应对保持性欲的挑战?)
- What are your thoughts on open relationships or polyamory?(你对开放式关系或多元恋爱有什么看法?)

4. 表达性爱的关切和需求:
- It's important to prioritize consent and mutual pleasure in any sexual encounter.(在任何性关系中,重视同意和互相的快乐至关重要。)
- Safe sex is crucial in protecting oneself and one's partner from sexually transmitted infections.(安全性行为对于保护自己和伴侣免受性传播疾病非常重要。)
- Emotional intimacy and communication are fundamental for a satisfying sexual relationship.(情感的亲密和沟通对于一个令人满意的性关系非常重要。)

5. 回应他人的观点和经历:
- That sounds like a unique and exciting experience.(听起来是一次独特而令人兴奋的经历。)
- I respect your choices and believe everyone should have the freedom to explore their own sexuality.(我尊重你的选择,并相信每个人都应该有自由探索自己性取向的权利。)
- It's important to maintain open and honest communication with your partner when it comes to exploring new sexual experiences.(在探索新的性体验时,与伴侣保持开放和诚实的沟通非常重要。)



