
时间:2023-02-20 01:23:11 阅读:

john promised his son to go back home early every night, but he was unable to _____ his promise since he could not get away from work at night.
a ?wear out?
b ?carry out ??
c ?set out?

john 承诺他的儿子每晚早点回家,他却无法做到这个诺言,因为他每晚都无法脱开工作。{{wear out}}

指磨尽,{{carry out}} 指{{实施,实现,实行}},{{set out}} 指出发。
0.when she was cleaning her apartment, all the missing items started ____.
a ?turning up ??
b ?adding up?
c ?breaking up?

“turn up” 表示 “出现”, “add up” 表示“加起来”, “break up” 表示 “分手”。练习里句子的意思是:当她在清扫公寓的时候,所有失踪的东西都出现了。哈哈不知道大家有没有过这样的体验。
在我们把 in和 out 的短语里里外外检查一圈后,是时候向上 up 看一下我们的头顶了。下面这个故事的主人公,还真的是在经历了一番人生起落后,终于开始有一点 go up 的趋势了。


jenny’s band was breaking up. none of the other band members (成员) were as enthusiastic(有激情的) about music as she was. what’s worse, her inspiration was running out.?

no matter how hard she worked to put up advertisements, people stopped going to their gigs (表演).?

one time, she added up her bands expenses (支出), and she realized that they were losing money. out of frustration (失落), she

left her band and stopped singing for a while.?

she took up the job as a waitress in a cafe. the musician who was working there at that time was a drunkard (酒鬼), and his music was as messy (凌乱的) as his personal life.?

one day, when jenny was serving tables as usual, the cafe manager asked her if she could sing. it turned out that the other musician was too drunk to play music that night. at the manager’s request (请求), jenny stood on stage. suddenly, her long-lost music inspiration turned up again!



up 作为介词指的是向上,比如向天上看就是look up at the sky, 看姚明的时候你就要raise up your head。

在一些短语中,up 的 向上的本义可以衍生出许多其他的意思。

1. 当某物从一片黑暗上升到有光的地方,它就可以被我们看到,由此有了turn up 的出现 之意。小到丢失的手表,大到遗失已久的灵感或机遇,都可以turn up。

此外,turn up 还有把音量向上调的意思,例如 turn up

the music。大家要根据语境选择适合的意思哦。

2. 把东西一层层往上叠,看上去它的数量就在增加,所以add up 的意思就是 把…加起来。

3. 上 也是高于地面,这个含义在put up 里有所体现。put up an advertisement 就是把广告张贴起来,put up a board 就是把木板立起来,都是在高于地面的地方。

4. 向上飞得太高,就有坠落的危险,所以 up 在英语里也有破碎的含义,例如break up就表示一段关系的碎裂。

5. 当我们take up a responsibility时,我们是在把责任扛在肩上,开始从事某件事。除此之外,还有take up a post (职位),take up a task (任务)
1.she ____ the double responsibility as a mother and a bread-winner (挣钱养家的人) after her child was born.
a ?turned up?
b ?took up ??
c ?broke up?

2. when you _____ these numbers, you will get this month’s rent (租金).
a ?put up?
b ?add up ??
c ?break up?

3. can you _____ some advertisements for our club?
a ?take up ??
b ?add up?
c ?put up


含有 的动词短语在高考中经常出现,例如:

peter will take up his post as the head of the traveling agency at the end of next month. (陕西高考,2015)

don’t worry, i’m sure

your missing glasses will turn up sooner or later. (湖北高考,2015)

by the end of the day, i could remember orders and add up the bills. (湖南高考,2007)

昨日: b
今日0-3: abbc

b站 安静丶丶



