
时间:2024-08-28 16:43:31 阅读:

标题:all work and no play?
when was the last time you rolled down a hill, swung on a swing, or spent the afternoon colouring in? chances are you haven’t done any such thing since childhood. butibet you miss that delicious joy and freedom you felt as a ten-year-old, playing your favourite game.
all work and no play: 这个短语是对“只作业不玩耍,聪明孩子也变傻”这一谚语的引证,用来阐明作业和文娱之间需要平衡。
    rolled down a hill:
    roll down a hill: 动词短语,意为“滚下山丘”,是一种儿童时期的活动。
    swung on a swing:
    swung: 动词的曩昔分词,与on连用,标明“荡秋千”的动作。
    spent the afternoon colouring in:
    spent: 动词,这儿指“度过时刻”。
    afternoon: 名词,意为“下午”。
    colouring in: 动名词,指“涂色”这一活动。
    chances are:
    chances are: 表达可以性的短语,意为“很可以”。
    delicious joy and freedom:
    delicious: 描述词,在这儿用来描述“joy”(欢喜)非常夸姣、令人愉悦。
    joy: 名词,意为“高兴”。
    freedom: 名词,意为“安适”。
    felt as a ten-year-old:
    felt: 动词的曩昔式,这儿与as连用,标明“作为...感遭到的”。
    playing your favourite game:
    playing: 动名词,标明“玩耍”。
    favourite game: 名词短语,意为“最喜爱的游戏”。
如今结束时: 运用如今结束时来表达从年少到如今都没有进行过某事。
动名词和如今分词: 运用动名词和如今分词来描绘活动。
比照规划: 来表达对曩昔情感的怀念
reaching adulthood means many of us consciously disconnect from the ability to play freely just for the sake of it. that’s something children do – something we, as working adults with obligations, often feel we don’t have time for, can’t justify, or see no point in.

    reaching adulthood:
    reaching: 动名词,标明。
    adulthood: 名词,意为。
    consciously disconnect:
    consciously: 副词,意为。
    disconnect: 动词,意为。
    the ability to play freely:
    ability: 名词,意为。
    play freely: 动词短语,意为。
    just for the sake of it:
    just: 副词,用于偏重。
    sake: 名词,意为。
    of it: 指代前面的活动或事物。
    that’s something children do:
    that’s: 缩写方法,全称是。
    something: 代词,用于指代前面说到的活动。
    working adults with obligations:
    working adults: 名词短语,指。
    obligations: 名词复数,意为。
    often feel we don’t have time for:
    often: 副词,意为。
    feel: 动词,标明。
    can’t justify, or see no point in:
    can’t justify: 动词短语,标明。
    see no point in: 动词短语,意为。
动名词作主语: 作为动名词短语,用作整个语句的主语。
副词的运用: 作为副词,别离润饰动词和整个语句,标明动作发生的知道层面和频率。
as we get older, life becomes more serious and structured, as we take on increasing responsibilities. and, often, people’s lives are so busy, moving from one commitment or task to the next, that they have lost touch with more playful parts of themselves,’ says therapeutic counsellor roberta king.

    as we get older:
    as: 连词,标明。
    get older: 动词短语,意为。
    life becomes more serious and structured:
    becomes: 动词,标明。
    serious: 描述词,意为。
    structured: 描述词,意为。
    as we take on increasing responsibilities:
    take on: 动词短语,意为。
    increasing: 描述词,意为。
    responsibilities: 名词复数,意为。
    people’s lives are so busy:
    busy: 描述词,意为。
    moving from one commitment or task to the next:
    moving: 动名词,标明。
    commitment: 名词,意为。
    task: 名词,意为。
    lost touch with more playful parts of themselves:
    lost touch: 动词短语,意为。
    playful: 描述词,意为。
    parts of themselves: 名词短语,指。
    therapeutic counsellor roberta king:
    therapeutic: 描述词,意为。
    counsellor: 名词,英式拼写,美式英语为。
比照级: 运用比照级描述词来表达日子随年纪增加变得愈加严厉和有组织。
成果状语从句: 规划来表达我们因为繁忙而失掉了与自个好玩的有些的联络。


