
时间:2023-07-06 16:33:33 阅读:




1. Hit the nail on the head

意思是“说得一针见血”,表示说话很准确,直戳主题。例如:She hit the nail on the head when she said that the company needs to improve its customer service.

2. Turn a blind eye

意思是“视而不见”,表示故意忽视某事或某人。例如:The teacher turned a blind eye to the students who were cheating on the test.

3. Break a leg

这句话出现在演员间的祝福语中,意思是“祝你演出成功”。尽管“break a leg”听上去不太吉利,但它却相当地普遍。例如:I'm nervous about my audition tomorrow, but my friends told me to break a leg.

4. Piece of cake

意思是“简单易做”,表示某件事情非常容易。例如:I thought

the final exam would be difficult, but it turned out to be a piece of cake.

5. Butter someone up

意思是“巴结某人”,表示用好话或甜言蜜语来讨好某人。例如:She tried to butter up the boss by bringing him coffee every morning.


1. Bite off more than you can chew

意思是“贪多嚼不烂”,表示尝试做太多的事情,难以全部完成。例如:I think you should focus on one project at a time. Don't bite off more than you can chew.

2. Change your tune

意思是“改变立场或说话方式”,表示突然转变态度或观点。例如:He changed his tune when he realized he was wrong.

3. Go the extra mile

意思是“更加努力”,表示不仅仅满足基本要求,而是做得更好。例如:The salesperson went the extra mile to make sure the customer was happy.

4. Catch some Z's

意思是“睡觉”,表示要去睡觉。例如:I'm exhausted. I need to catch some Z's.

5. Drop a bombshell


炸性消息”,表示一个令人震惊的消息。例如:She dropped a bombshell when she announced that she was getting married to her boss.



