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复合材料英文经典著作(十二)|《纤维增强复合材料层合板失效分析-Alfred PUCK理论》
他一起工作。他认为我是这领域最好的专家之一,是撰写这本书的合适人选。这对我而言是一份崇高的荣誉,随后在IKV(Institute for Plastic Processing,塑料加工研究所)领导人Walter Michaeli and Ernst Schmachtenberg的资助与鼓励下,我同意开始这一工作。本书原计划于2004年出版,但对这类项目,之前的想法都过于乐观。2005年初,我从高校来到企业,同时组建了家庭,就难以找到足够的时间完成这一项目。我非常感谢Springer出版社的Petra Jantzen对我的督促,他总是彬彬有礼给我适当的压力,确定成稿的最后期限,推动我的工作进展。当然延长项目时间可以包括近年来这一领域取得的最新研究进展,提高项目的价值,我希望能够更进一步的阐述PUCK准则失效模式的应用。书中还有不尽人意之处,是时候出版本书了。我要感谢那些为出版本书做出贡献的人们。首先我要感谢Alfred Puck,感谢他对我多年的指导,他还帮助校订了本书。Günther Lutz是VDI2014中FRP部件开发作者之一,本书文字的主要修订者,对他的感谢不限于修订书中的文字,我的工作从VDI2014中的获益良多。我还要感谢在IKV工作期间,Walter Michaeli和Ernst Schmachtenberg鼓励我去编写这本书。除此之外,我非常感激Springer出版社的Dieter Merkle和Petra Jantzen对这本书做出的贡献。最后我要感谢我的妻子Claudia,感谢她对我的理解和耐心。同时我将把这本书送给我亲爱的孩子Paula Liane和Peter Elias。 Martin Knops2008年1月与Rendsburg</h3> <h3>Contents1 Introduction2 Failure of laminates2.1 Laminate structure2.2
Micro-cracks2.3 Inter Fiber Fracture (IFF)2.3.1 Different forms of Inter Fiber Fracture (IFF) 2.3.2 Relevance of IFF2.4 Delamination 2.5 Fiber Fracture (FF)2.6 Laminate Failure2.7 Summary of chapter3 Stress and strength analysis: Basics and definitions3.1 Coordinate systems, stresses and stressing3.1.1 Natural coordinate system of the UD-lamina3.1.2 Coordinate system of the laminate3.1.3 Stresses of the UD-lamina3.1.4 Stressings of a UD-element3.1.5 Stresses on the fracture plane,adapted coordinate system3.1.6 Coordinate system for the visualization of fracturebodies3.2 Stress analysis3.3 Strength analysis3.3.1 Introduction3.3.2 Fracture condition, fracture criterion and the term “stress exposure”3.3.3 Distinguishing residual and load determined stresses3.3.4 Margin of safety and reserve factor of the Composite materials structure3.4
Summary of chapter4 Puck’s action plane fracture criteria4.1 Fiber fracture criteria4.2 Inter fiber fracture (IFF) criteriaX Contents4.2.1 Motivation4.2.2 Different IFF-fracture modes4.2.3 Fracture hypotheses4.2.4 Fracture resistance of the action plane4.2.5 Visualization of the stress/strength problem4.2.6 Universal 3-D-formulation of the action plane related IFF-criteria4.2.7 Analytical 2-D-formulation for plane states of stress4.3 Extensions to the IFF-criteria4.3.1 Inclusion of stresses not acting on the fracture plane in the action-plane-related inter-fiber fracture criteria4.3.2 Calculation of the stretch factor LS f of the loaddetermined stresses when residual stresses are present4.4 Visualization of fracture bodies4.5 Summary of chapter5 Analysis of the gradual failure process5.1 Approaches for the modeling of the
gradual failure process5.2 Puck’s approach for the analysis of the gradual failure process5.2.1 Degradation procedure for cracks due to IFFMode A5.2.2 Degradation procedure for cracks due to IFFMode B and IFFMode C 5.2.3 Puck’s method from 19695.2.4 Degradation method used in the “World Wide Failure Exercise”5.2.5 New degradation method (2007)5.2.6 Laminates with unsound loading conditions5.3 Implementation of the Puck theory for the gradual failure process in a software code 5.4 Summary of chapter6 Experimental work6.1 Verification of the fracture hypotheses and calibration of the fracture body6.1.1 Experiments with Three Dimensional Stress States . 6.1.2 Experiments with plane (?2, ?21)-stress combinations 6.2 Experimental determination of degradation curves6.2.1 Degradation of E⊥t and G⊥|| for fracture Mode A6.2.2 Degradation of E⊥?and G⊥|| for fracture Mode B Contents XI6.2.3 Degradation of ?⊥|| and ?||⊥?6.2.4 Validation of degradation curves6.3 Summary of chapter7 Implementation in software8 Application of Puck’s work in industrial practice9 Concluding remarksAnnexReferences </h3> <h3>译者:李军向出版社:机械工业出版社</h3> <h3>推荐理由:本书为风电机叶片设计与制备必备参考书。作者Martin Knops是世界著名风电机叶片专家,译者李军向博士2008年从本课题组博士毕业,是国内知名叶片设计专家。</h3>