
时间:2023-08-13 15:33:15 阅读:



1. 开始会议
现在,我宣布会议开始。- I now declare the meeting open.
我们大家欢迎新成员的加入。- Let's all welcome our new member.
首先,让我们看一下今天的议程。- First of all, let's take a look at today's agenda.
我想开始会议之前先做一点小小的提醒。- I'd like to make a quick reminder before we start the meeting.
请大家静默,开始会议。- Please silence your phones and let's begin the meeting.

2. 介绍与自我介绍
我想请每个人先来个简短的自我介绍。- I'd like to ask everyone to give a brief self-introduction.
我先介绍一下自己,我是…- Let me introduce myself first. My name is...
刚刚加入的新成员,请你做个自我介绍。- For our newly joined member, could you please introduce yourself?
John会是我们会议的主持人。- John will be the moderator of our meeting.

3. 提出问题与回答
我有一个问题要请教。- I have a question to ask.
我能打断一下吗?- Can I interrupt for a moment?
你能再解释一下吗?我没有听清楚。- Could you please explain it again? I didn't catch it.
我想补充一点内容。- I would like to add something.
我同意你的观点。- I agree with your point.
我有不同的意见。- I have a different opinion.

4. 提交报告和汇报
我已经准备好了报告。- I have prepared the report.
现在我将向大家汇报最新的进展。- Now I will present the latest progress to everyone.
根据我的报告,我们取得了一些重要的成果。- According to my report, we have achieved some significant results.
我想分享一下我们的经验。- I would like to share our experience.

5. 结束会议
时间不多了,我们不得不结束会议了。- We don't have much time left, so we have to wrap up the meeting.
即将结束会议之前,是否还有其他问题需要讨论?- Before we conclude the meeting, are there any other questions to discuss?
感谢大家的参与,会议结束。- Thank you all for your participation. The meeting is adjourned.
我们下次会议的时间和地点将通过邮件通知。- The time and location of our next meeting will be notified via email.

I look forward to our next meeting.



