
时间:2023-08-18 16:33:15 阅读:


1. 我可以帮你吗?- Can I help you?
2. 你在找什么?- What are you looking for?
3. 这里有什么特别推荐的吗?- Do you have any specials/recommendations?
4. 我对这个感兴趣。- I'm interested in this.
5. 我想试穿一下。- I'd like to try this on.
6. 有没有其他颜色可选?- Do you have it in any other colors?
7. 这个多少钱?- How much is this?
8. 可以给我个折扣吗?- Can you give me a discount?
9. 我们还有其他款式。- We have other styles available.
10. 你们接受信用卡吗?- Do you accept credit cards?

11. 你们有购物袋吗?- Do you have shopping bags?
12. 我可以退货吗?- Can I return/exchange this?
13. 有什么保修政策吗?- What is your warranty policy?
14. 我需要一张发票。- I need a receipt.
15. 这里有打折吗?- Are there any discounts here?
16. 有打折活动吗?- Are there any sales/promotions?
17. 我可以试试其他大小吗?- Can I try a different size?
18. 我能试试这个吗?- Can I try this?
19. 这个在哪里?- Where can I find this?
20. 你们什么时候开门?- What time do you open/close?

21. 我可以看看这个吗?- Can I have a look at this?
22. 这个适合什么季节穿?- What season is this suitable for?
23. 这个是新款吗?- Is this the latest design/style?
24. 有没有其他尺码?- Do you have this in a different size?
25. 你们有运费吗?- Are there any shipping fees?
26. 请帮我减价。- Please give me a discount.
27. 这个有折扣吗?- Is this on sale?
28. 我可以付现金吗?- Can I pay in cash?
29. 这个有保修吗?- Does this come with a warranty?
30. 你们可以送货上门吗?- Can you deliver this to my address?

31. 这个太贵了。- This is too expensive.
32. 你可以给我更多的折扣吗?- Can you give me a bigger discount?
33. 你们还有其他颜色吗?- Do you have other colors?
34. 我可以使用优惠券吗?- Can I use a coupon?
35. 这个能不能换货?- Can I exchange this for something else?
36. 你们有价格保护吗?- Do you have price protection?
37. 我可以先看看其他店的价格吗?- Can I check other stores for prices first?
38. 有什么其他相似的款式吗?- Do you have any similar styles?
39. 这个有什么款式的选择?- What style options does this have?
40. 你们接受退款吗?- Do you accept returns?

41. 这个在哪个区域?- Where can I find this section?
42. 你们有促销活动吗?- Do you have any promotions?
43. 你们有任何折扣码吗?- Do you have any discount codes?
44. 你们有会员折扣吗?- Do you have any member discounts?
45. 我能试试其他品牌吗?- Can I try a different brand?
46. 这个适合什么场合穿?- What occas

ions is this suitable for?
47. 你们有任何推荐吗?- Do you have any recommendations?
48. 这个是限量版吗?- Is this a limited edition?
49. 你们包装免费吗?- Is the packaging free?
50. 哪个款式最畅销?- Which style is the best-seller?

51. 你们可以给我个试用装吗?- Can you give me a sample?
52. 你们可以帮我包好吗?- Can you gift-wrap this for me?
53. 这款产品有免费赠品吗?- Does this product come with a free gift?
54. 这个可以邮寄到其他城市吗?- Can this be shipped to another city?
55. 这个有任何限制吗?- Are there any restrictions on this?
56. 你们接受银行转账吗?- Do you accept bank transfers?
57. 有什么其他形状的包装盒吗?- Do you have packaging boxes in different shapes?
58. 这个可以在网上购买吗?- Can I purchase this online?
59. 哪个款式更受欢迎?- Which style is more popular?
60. 你们有其他品牌的类似产品吗?- Do you have similar products from other brands?

61. 你们有购物卡吗?- Do you have gift cards?
62. 这个有任何限时优惠吗?- Is there any limited-time offer on this?
63. 这个产品味道如何?- How does this product taste/smell?
64. 这个有哪些功效?- What are the benefits of this?
65. 你们有其他款式的包装盒吗?- Do you have packaging boxes in other styles?
66. 这个有什么特别之处?- What makes this special?
67. 这个有适合儿童的尺码吗?- Do you have this in children's sizes?
68. 这个有任何特殊用途吗?- Does this have any special use?
69. 你们有批发价吗?- Do you have wholesale prices?
70. 这个在哪个楼层?- Which floor can I find this?

71. 你们有团购活动吗?- Do you have group-buying promotions?
72. 这个有保质期吗?- Does this have an expiration date?
73. 这个可不可以试吃一下?- Can I try a sample of this?
74. 这个有任何需求吗?- Are there any requirements for this?
75. 这个有什么适用条件吗?- What are the applicable conditions for this?
76. 这个有颜色的选择吗?- Does this have color options?
77. 你们有私人定制吗?- Do you have personalized/custom options?
78. 你们有免费试用的机会吗?- Do you have any free trial opportunities?
79. 这个有经验分享吗?- Is there any experience sharing for this?
80. 你们有在线客服吗?- Do you have online customer service?

81. 这个适合什么人群使用?- Which population is this suitable for?
82. 这个质量如何?- How is the quality of this?
83. 这个有哪些材料?- What are the materials used for this?
84. 这个适合什么季节使用?- Which season is this suitable for?
85. 这个耐用吗?- Is this durable?
86. 这个有任何副作用吗?- Does this have any side effects?
87. 你们有定制的服务吗?- Do you have customized services?
88. 这个零售价多少?- What is the retail price of this?
89. 你们有租赁服务吗?- Do you have rental services?
90. 这个有任何限量版吗?- Is there any limited edition of this?

91. 你们有免费送货上门吗?- Do you offer free delivery?
92. 这个有包装费吗?- Is there a packaging fee for this?
93. 这个可以改变尺寸吗?- Can this be resized?
94. 有任何使用说明书吗?- Are there any instructions for use?
95. 这个有其他组合方式吗?- Can this be combined in different ways?
96. 这个有什么注意事项吗?- What are the precautions for this?
97. 你们有常规网站吗?- Do you have a regular website?
98. 你们有积分制度吗?- Do you have a loyalty points system?
99. 这个需要特别保养吗?- Does this require special maintenance?
100. 这个用起来方便吗?- Is this easy to use?



